Men In Skinny Suits With Backpacks
Annmarie Throckmorton, M.A.
As I was driving out of Chicago today, frazzled and worn from business machinations, I was disconcerted to see two men in conservative gray, skinny slim fit suits walking along with brightly colored backpacks slung casually over their broad shoulders. I think of men in suits with briefcases; and I was surprised, unsettled, then tickled to see them wearing backpacks. Doubtless they were on their way to the gym for a lunchtime workout. I tried to paint a picture of this, but I only got as far as the initial disconcertment in my mind's eye.

Caption: Disconcerted In My Mind's Eye By Men In Skinny Suits With Backpacks
by Annmarie Throckmorton 2019