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One Warning Is Enough

Annmarie Throckmorton, M.A.

As a university undergraduate I took more than a full load of classes each semester, because I was anxious to obtain my degree and become gainfully employed. Some of my classes were at night and as I did not have a car that meant that I had to walk home from classes quite a long way in the dark, carrying my heavy textbooks.


One evening a car pulled up next to me so suddenly and silently that I had no time to evade it. It was the campus police in an unmarked car, but to my spider sense it seemed to be more.  The officer partly rolled down the window and told me I should not be out alone at night. I was uneasy but because he was a police officer I told him that I had to be out at night as I was walking home from my night university class. He briskly told me to drop the class and to stay home at night. Then that campus police officer eased his dark car off into the dark night. At least I think it was a police officer, I never really got a look at him.


Well, you don't have to warn me twice. I immediately withdrew from my night class and managed somehow to get into a daytime session, perhaps by telling this story to the University Scheduling Department.

Spider Sense

by Annmarie Throckmorton, copyright 2024



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