Boycott, Divestment, And Sanctions
Arno Rosenfeld, reporter for The Forward wrote:
He asked if readers would stop buying Ben & Jerry's ice cream in response to Ben & Jerry's decision to sanction the Israeli-occupied West Bank, and he provided a feedback link so I emailed back to him as follows.
I did not even buy Ben & Jerry's ice cream before because, although throughout my life I myself have been quite politically active, politicized food seemed annoying and unsatisfying. I do not want a large company to plan my social protests for me. Further, Ben & Jerry's move out of the West Bank should not have come as a surprise. Some Jews own Ben & Jerry's franchises and would know that the corporate motto is "Change The World, One Scoop At A Time." See: So we all knew what Ben & Jerry's was selling.
China, with almost a quarter of the world's population, would have been a much more worthy place to start with a BDS* to support the oppressed, the Uyghurs, Falun Gong, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet, Inner Mongolia, actually the entire Chinese population who are held captive by the sociopathic thugs of the Chinese Communist Party. Ben & Jerry's started off easy by boycotting the small West Bank settlements and Jewish neighborhoods in east Jerusalem. It makes me think that it was just an excuse to undermine Israel by the ghosts of those old Nazis at Unilever, the massive company who now owns Ben & Jerry's, along with many, many other name-brand food, beverages, cleaning agents and personal care products. Who will Unilever boycott next? The local grocery store in a town where "extremists" of the wrong flavor are based?
* "Anti-BDS laws and resolutions (in America) oppose boycotts of Israel. The name comes from the BDS movement, which calls for boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israel to pressure Israel to meet what it describes as Israel's obligations under international law. Anti-BDS laws are designed to make it difficult for people and organizations to participate in boycotts of Israel..." Source:
Iced By Boycott, Divestment, And Sanctions
GIF & JPG by Annmarie Throckmorton 2021
