I Give Up
Either the overpaid computer boys and girls who maintain our corporate databases have given up, or they have become active saboteurs. Here are just two examples of problems that I am experiencing. My insurance company, Farmers Insurance, has misspelled my first name on their emails to me for years despite my insistence that it is not spelled Annemarie. I wonder if that error could interfere with my collection of any future claim? And, my medical care provider, OSF Medical Group, has persisted for years in listing the wrong vitamin supplements and medications on my after visit summaries, despite my repeated emails requesting correction and reminding them that this incorrect listing of my meds could conceivably cause harm to me in the event of a medical emergency. I have thought of changing companies, but I have no reason to believe that any other of these massive, willful, obscenely wealthy companies keeps records any better. Trying to correct either massive institution's database has proved futile. I give up, their records on me will continue uncorrected.

I Give Up
by Annmarie Throckmorton 2021