In Search Of Lineage
I need a hobby. Will genealogy suit my purpose? I do not know exactly what I want out of it. Would I like to know where and what my deeper origins are? Pleasant surprises would be nice.
Oh oh, already I foresee difficult decisions. Will I force myself to search the sides of my family for whom, to put it mildly, I have no ready affinity? Do I have enough information from my DNA test by, or will I spring for their pricey family history access package? Will life ease up on me and give me time for a new hobby? Will this hobby bring me pleasure and relaxation? "Ha, damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead!" I whoop as I drive into the fog in search of my lineage.
Definitions of genealogy:
1: an account of the descent of a person, family, or group from an ancestor or from older forms
2: regular descent of a person, family, or group of organisms from a progenitor
3: the study of family ancestral lines
4: an account of the origin and historical development of something
Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Into The Fog In Search Of Lineage
by Annmarie Throckmorton 2021