My paternal great-grandmother Anna Omelia Strim
Born in Norway in 1878, Gra (as Anna Strim preferred to be known) came to St. Paul, Minnesota USA as a young woman. She died there in 1960, at the age of 84. I do not recall her ever speaking to me, although she was alive and active within our family until I was eleven. She did once stick me with a hatpin, but it was without comment. I am posting these photographs, which I found in my late mother's papers, on my account because someone who follows may be interested. Best wishes, Annmarie.

Anna Omelia Strim née Tronrud-1890-mother to Carla Margaret Throckmorton

John Strim-1867-husband to Anna Omelia Strim, father to Carla Margaret Throckmorton

Peter and Hildea Tronrud-brother and sister-in-law to Anna Omelia Strim

Charles Tronrud-brother to Anna Omelia Strim-born Norway 1863-died USA 1937