The building in which I have lived for the past 2 ½ years here in Augusta, Maine, while I was on waiting lists for senior housing, was built in 1860 and was used by the first governor of Maine until his permanent residence was constructed. I thought that was an attractive feature. Subsequently the building was cut up into six dilapidated apartments, one of which I rented as a temporary residence. At the time I did not realize that in addition to the several larger cemeteries located up the mountain above this building, there is a small very old cemetery situated exactly next door. Someone has removed the headstones, which are eyesores in place but valuable antiquities on the open market, but the cemetery is clearly marked on Google Maps.
One can imagine the state of the plumbing underground, where water flows through the cemeteries on the mountain above to seep/flow into the damaged or worn-out plumbing lines of this historical building. "The decomposition of bodies can pass through the soil and into groundwater, and studies have shown that these chemicals may cause environmental contamination and groundwater pollution over time." — random internet source
How Revolting
my apartment was adjacent to and downhill from
the Bien Venue Cemetery, Google map 2024
(An additional revulsion is that in French, the word for “welcome” is “bien venue” meaning literally to “come well”.)
