Tricky Politics
Considered cynically, all of the country leaders who are gathered at the 2021 G7 summit: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, US, UK, and representatives of many other countries; are probably testy because having experienced The Potato of the United States Biden up close and personally, they must now see quite clearly that depraved election officials and immoral computer techies can be hired at any time to fiddle the election tallies and replace world leaders with sock puppets. Knowing that they might be next must be disheartening for them, since bribes and lies always worked so well in the past. Do these tricky politicians see where to go and what to do next?

Tricky Politics
Do You Know Where To Go And What To Do?
by Annmarie Throckmorton 2021

Right-The True American President Trump, Left-The Potato Of The United States Biden, Usurper in 2020
Source: Monyet dan Mobil Truk's YouTube channel.